Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Faith Vs Faith

Being a man who searches for the truth, who loves science, logic and fact and also a man of faith I recently decided to re-look at evolution. For fourteen years I have been taught about evolution and I can say micro-evolution is fact. All Kinds (Species if you wish) adapt to their environment over generation. Still the scope of evolution as it is taught is far more encompassing. There are many theories that make no sense and are to many whole that can not be explained. Being a man of Faith I believe that intelligent design fills in these gaps. This blog is dedicated to address issues using science and taking into account that Biblical Narrative of Genesis as historical fact. That being said one might argue that we can not since the Bible is a document of faith.Well the theory of the Big Bang and billions of years are unproven theories that science also believe in faith. Since both are as such we will look at both from  a level prospective.  Faith against Faith we will use science and fact to find the truth.

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