World View


A particular philosophy of life or conception of the world.

A major part of this discussion of how reality came into existence is based on worldview. It is our worldview that defines how we look at all the evidence and facts. Evidence by itself will not resolve the conflict between worldviews. That is to say in order to even discuss creation one will always differ to their worldview. It's not that people don't have enough evidence, it is that a person's presuppositions tell him what to make of evidence. Here are a general list of worldviews:

Naturalism: (Atheism; Evolutionist; Agnosticism; Existentialism, Empericism)

Reality: The material universe is all that exists. Reality is "one-dimensional." There is no such thing as a soul or a spirit. Everything can be explained on the basis of natural law.

Man: Man is the chance product of a biological process of evolution. Man is entirely material. The human species will one day pass out of existence.

Truth: Truth is usually understood as scientific proof. Only that which can be observed with the five senses is accepted as real or true.

Values: No objective values or morals exist. Morals are individual preferences or socially useful behaviors. Even social morals are subject to evolution and change.

Pantheism (Hinduism; Taoism; Buddhism; New Age, Consciousness)

Reality: Only the spiritual dimension exists. All else is illusion, maya. Spiritual reality, Brahman, is eternal, impersonal, and unknowable. It is possible to say that everything is a part of God, or that God is in everything and everyone.

Man: Man is one with ultimate reality. Thus man is spiritual, eternal, and impersonal. Man’s belief that he is an individual is illusion.

Truth: Truth is an experience of unity with "the oneness" of the universe. Truth is beyond all rational description. Rational thought as it is understood in the West cannot show us reality.

Values: Because ultimate reality is impersonal, many pantheistic thinkers believe that there is no real distinction between good and evil. Instead, "unenlightened" behavior is that which fails to understand essential unity.

Theism (Christianity; Islam; Judaism)

Reality: An infinite, personal God exists. He created a finite, material world. Reality is both material and spiritual. The universe as we know it had a beginning and will have an end.

Man: Humankind is the unique creation of God. People were created "in the image of God," which means that we are personal, eternal, spiritual, and biological.

Truth: Truth about God is known through revelation. Truth about the material world is gained via revelation and the five senses in conjunction with rational thought.

Values: Moral values are the objective expression of an absolute moral being.

Spiritism and Polytheism (Thousands of Religions)

Reality: The world is populated by spirit beings who govern what goes on. Gods and demons are the real reason behind "natural" events. Material things are real, but they have spirits associated with them and, therefore, can be interpreted spiritually.

Man: Man is a creation of the gods like the rest of the creatures on earth. Often, tribes or races have a special relationship with some gods who protect them and can punish them.

Truth: Truth about the natural world is discovered through the shaman figure who has visions telling him what the gods and demons are doing and how they feel.

Values: Moral values take the form of taboos, which are things that irritate or anger various spirits. These taboos are different from the idea of "good and evil" because it is just as important to avoid irritating evil spirits as it is good ones.

Postmodernism (Relativism)

Reality: Reality must be interpreted through our language and cultural "paradigm." Therefore, reality is "socially constructed."

Man: Humans are nodes in a cultural reality – they are a product of their social setting. The idea that people are autonomous and free is a myth.

Truth: Truths are mental constructs meaningful to individuals within a particular cultural paradigm. They do not apply to other paradigms. Truth is relative to one’s culture.

Values: Values are part of our social paradigms as well. Ideals such as tolerance, freedom of expression, inclusion, and refusal to claim to have the answers are the only universal values.

This list is adapted from Discovering God by Dennis McCallum

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